Browse Articles By Tag: web page design
Over the past decade, eCommerce has become competitive and it is harder for business owners to make ends meet with so much competition. People expect more from modern technology that most web designers often fail to notice. (...)
29.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
No further than 10-15 years ago, web design was a highly paid and sought after skill. Web designers were hard to find, therefore they were charging high rates for their services. Today, this changed completely. (...)
27.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Although most people that are involved in Internet marketing are more worried about the content that they put on their website or blog, the actual website design that you use is also very important in regard to its overall performance for sales. (...)
24.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Flash, a program put out by Macromedia, used to be the darling of the Internet. After all, it allowed websites to run splashy looking animations, and some of them were very beautiful. It reminded people of video or television, and some companies had elaborate Flash...
20.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Your company's website is a virtual representation of the business. It makes an impression on first-time visitors, and you want that first impression to be a positive one. Think about your experience when you visit a store for the first time. (...)
19.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
When it comes to designing a website, everyone tends to think that they are a professional web designer. This really is not the case. While you don't have to be a web designer to create a great website, you still should not "fly blind" when it comes to creating your...
14.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Designing a website is no longer a task that only web professionals can do. With the latest design tools available, a person with no prior web design experience can build a real website and launch it in a couple of hours. (...)
13.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Video killed the radio star, and now it's taking aim at text as well. The age-old fear that movies and TV could kill the reading experience may be exaggerated, but it is true that less and less people want to read on the internet. Instead, they want to see it move. (...)
04.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
There is hardly any business model that does not serve itself better to have its own website on the Internet. The Internet is so wildly integrated with modern day business operations, that a key component to any businessí success requires instant access to the...
04.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
The recent changes in algorithms deployed by most major search engines mean that the metrics we once thought were important have now changed. One of the new metrics that is being measured is bounce rate, but many people do not understand what it is all what they can...
16.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
One of the most underestimated resources that an Internet marketer can have is to understand simple web design strategies. If you are selling a product or a service that you personally own, or if you want to market affiliate products that other people have made, it is...
09.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
When it comes to web design, you should know how important it is to stay on top with new trends. It's important to see what everyone is doing and where future design is going so that you are not left behind. (...)
01.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
Web design companies on the market are generating millions by carrying out stuff that you could quickly do yourself using the right information and facts. Don't fall victim to these semi-rip offs discover web development to help you end up being the one in charge of...
31.01.2014 · From TheAuthor
In recent years we've seen the many professionally designed web template, some of these are beautifully designed, while others were thrown together for a quick buck, sold inexpensively on multiple web forms. (...)
28.01.2014 · From TheAuthor
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